Bhagavad-gita As It Is 18.75, Purport
Words fly in the wind
But the heart feels deeply.
Gratitude sounds in the soul,
Like an eternal song.
Your light, O wise teacher,
Pierces the darkness like a ray of radiance,
Gives a command from Radha and Krishna,
The truth about eternal bliss shines in our hearts.
How did I deserve such mercy?
I ask myself in humility.
But the answer is only service,
To you, my guru, with faith and devotion.
Vishnu Das
sri-guru-carana-padma, kevala-bhakati-sadma
yadyapi amara guru - caitanyera dasa
tathapi janiye ami tanhara prakasa
yasya deve para bhaktir
yatha deve tatha gurau
tasyaite kathita hy arthah
prakasante mahatmanah
tad-vag-visargo janatagha-viplavo
yasmin prati-slokam abaddhavaty api
tad visnoh paramam padam sada pasyanti
surayah diviva caksur atatam
angani yasya sakalendriya-vrtti-manti
pasyanti panti kalayanti ciram jaganti
sri-guru-carane rati, ei se uttama-gati
Karuna Mayi dasi
Katyayani Dasi
Having the guidance and shelter of a highly advanced Vaishnava is the most precious treasure in life. It is unfortunate for a disciple to be unable to access the association of sadhus due to a lack of sukrti or due to past and present offenses. Encountering a spiritually elevated guru who dedicates his entire life to saving poor souls from the illusions of material existence and directing them towards the ultimate goal of life which is prema is exceptionally rare.
However, not being able to wholeheartedly serve and surrender to such a Vaishnava, even when there is a chance to do so, is another form of misfortune. This valuable human life is being wasted each day, with no guarantee of being blessed to be around a great sadhu in future lives. Ultimately, people are divided into two categories: Those who have the association of saintly souls and those who do not. My prayer is to be situated among those who have sadhu-sanga, hopefully one day if not today, and to remain steadfast in it forever.
Vilas Manjari Dasi
Champakalata dasi
Saumya dasi
My most worshipable Gurudeva, om visnupada asttotara-sata Srila Prem Prayojan Prabhu!
When You sing, I must also sing.
The infectious beauty that pours from Your lips during kirtan is so consistent. As You sing, You sweep anyone away, with the love for the divine pair that permeates the air. For a moment my heart of stone softens just a little as my entire being is compelled to join you in glorifying Radha and Krsna.
During these kirtans, when I have had the honour of being near You, I cant help but think of the pasttimes of Mahaprabhu and how he stopped the kirtan when he knew someone was present in the room who was not relishing rasa to the same extent as his most intimate associates.
I am that imposter, the one with the heart of stone. Gurudeva, You are an ocean of sympathy and compassion for allowing this extremely fallen soul to be in Your close association and polluting the pure name radiating from Your lips with my noise.
You are a flawless living example of Vaishnava etiquette. I can not imagine all the sacrifices and austerities You endured to serve Your most worshipable Srila Gurudeva, nitya-lila pravista om visnupada asttotara-sata srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja, in order to be the beacon of pure love that You now are every day. The shabda brahman that eminates from Your mouth is like a lightning bolt blasting away the clouds of illusion, doubt and fear that keep darkening the skies of my heart.
Please forgive me for all the moments where I have looked at You with envy and pride in my heart. Completely lost in the confused mess of ahankara.
Thank You is easy to say but those words are cheap and inconsistent with my actions. I am still so far from being fully surrendered to Your service Gurudeva. In time, as I follow your instructions more and more, I know I will be able to serve You better and hopefully feel that I am honouring the greateat gift that You are giving me, the path towards pure bhakti.
Please be patient with me as this proud, greedy and fearful soul begins to slowly turn more and more towards Krsna.
Please be patient as I attempt to serve you and the Vaishnava's more, over my mind and body.
Jaya Sri Krsna, Jaya Sri Radhe
Aspiring dasanudasa das,
Bhakta Felix