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Nueva publicación en español!

RELATOS DE SABIDURÍA VÉDICA de Prabhupāda Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta SarasvatI Thakura Edicion en español de la primera traducción y comentario al inglés por Sri Prema Prayojana dasa.

En este volumen encontrará treinta y cuatro relatos que encarnan los ideales inmaculados de la vida devocional pura, el carácter estelar de los divinos maestros y las conclusiones filosóficas esenciales de los Vedas. Esta nectárea recomendación infunde a la consciencia de energía espiritual y destruye todos los obstáculos psicológicos. Los buscadores espirituales que aspiren a su más auspicioso bienestar encontrarán en estas cautivadoras narraciones todos los ingredientes necesarios para cultivar una vida de devoción pura. Este libro es adecuado tanto para principiantes como para devotos avanzados.

Pide Relatos de Sabiduría aquí
Order the e-book Relatos de Sabiduría here

Bhakti Books
  • Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja's books
    There is a library of e-books and audio books by Srila Narayana Goswami Maharaja. The books are presented in different languages.

    Visit the site
  • Sri Prem Prayojan Prabhu's books
    One of the senior disciple’s of Srila Narayana Gosvami Maharaja.

    Below, you can download books that are based on Sri Prem Prayojan Prabhu's lectures over the years.
This maha-mantra is Nama Prabhu, a person with a heart and He Can be pleased or displeased. So never relate to this maha-mantra as mere words. Always remember, "The Holy Name is directly my beloved Lord!"
Updated English version is coming soon
It's extremely important, every day, to make a heroic and determined endeavour to take shelter of Harinama Prabhu — exclusively without any distraction at all! This is not possible by looking around here and there, talking and getting up and going around. Be fully fixed and aware and focused on your project!

(eng, rus, fr)
This beautiful history of the meeting between Ambarisa Maharaja and Durvasa Risi illustrates how divine love is so powerful that even God Himself, who controls everything, comes under the control of His pure devotee.
Life is a meaningful journey; the vehicle is education. This journey passes throught the city of peace, then happiness and finally reaches the destination of perfect love for God.
What is the use of a boat if it stays in the harbour? Out of great mercy, you have received this boat of a human body, so it is time to go on a journey. The captain of the boat is Sri guru. So where is Gurudeva taking us? The destination of that journey is to anchor in the harbour of Prema Pattanam, the City of Love. So now, come with me to that place and do not forget to leave your head behind!
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