Sustainable Living
In the last century, we have experienced a real exodus from the countryside to the city. When you are born in a city, it is very difficult to go to live in a rural environment. Rural infrastructures are becoming scarcer. Everything is mechanised, and machinery leads the production of goods and services, depriving humans of the opportunity to develop their natural manual skills. Artisan guilds are the natural basis of human work and of a sustainable economy.
The sustainable living movement which has emerged in recent years highlights the aberrant activities that human beings are carrying out in virtually every field of work, from obtaining raw materials, processing, distribution and consumption, to the lack of recycling of waste generated by them. Never before has human history seen such a great imbalance between human work activities and their negative impact on ourselves and nature. This imbalance manifests itself in pollution, in the destruction and depletion of basic natural resources such as water, land and air, and in the ethical, moral and spiritual degradation of the human being.
This current model of life is based on the exhaustive exploitation of everything and all, with the exclusive purpose of generating the greatest profits in the shortest possible time in order to infinitely diversify sense gratification, and this is absolutely unsustainable. It is depleting natural resources, polluting the environment, unbalancing the climate, destroying ecosystems and degrading human relationships and emotions. All this is covering the Earth and its inhabitants with an increasingly thick veil of fear and dissatisfaction.
The almost absolute oblivion to the existence of God results in the relentless search for new material pleasures. For this purpose, human beings gradually abandon the rural environment, which is our sustainable natural habitat, to cluster in monstrous unsustainable cities, where the gratification of the senses diversifies into all kinds of degrading and unspeakable aberrations.