My husband and I live in the Vvedenskoye village of the Kursk district, in a very picturesque place on the bank of the Seim River. Presently we have 5 bulls, 2 heifers and 3 milking cows. The main cow is called Surabhi, and our farm is called after her: "Sri Surabhi." We have been working with the cows for 5 years.
Even though only the two of us are engaged in farming and cow protection, we really hope to find like-minded persons for the development of the farm. We have 14 hectares of land, and we plan to allocate 2 hectares for private farms: we would like to divide this land into plots for those who want to live and work there and to serve Gurudeva and Krsna.
Krsna is very fond of cows - we feel it constantly! Help always comes when we are having hard times, sometimes when we don’t even expect it. At this point, we are only engaged in taking care of cows and growing the vegetables for our family. Also, we produce delicious ahimsa dairy products branded "Radha Madhava." We will happily accept financial help to feed the cows during the winter, and we need equipment for cultivating the land. So will be grateful for any donation. But most of all, we are looking for like-minded people, so don't be shy and contact us if you feel inspired!
Our contact details:mobile: +79102714540 (Andrey Cheremuchkin)
vera.kis21@gmail.comAddress: the Vvedenskoye village of the Kursk district, house 313 (Курский р-н, с. Введенское, д.313)
Sberbank account for donations: 2202 2004 1763 0819