Mission statement & principles
Eradication of all atheistic perspectives
By means of systematic rational education and cultural programs, to eradicate entirely from the public sphere the influence of all atheistic perspectives, and the plethora of unnatural ideologies arising therefrom, which constitute the primary obstacle to the fulfilment of the purpose of human life.
The supreme virtue is a devotion to God
To establish that the sole responsibility of all state policy, and its core unifying principle, is simply to facilitate the pursuit of virtue amongst the populace; the supreme virtue being the consubstantial attainment of truthfulness and devotion to God. All economic, social and cultural policies must function in subordination to this core principle.
God and His Holy Name are the one selfsame indivisible truth
To popularize the universal religious principle of Onomatodoxy, viz. that God and His Holy Name are the one selfsame indivisible truth, appearing to benefit all souls with the most direct and effective process to cast off the stain of materialism and be united with God in perfect love.
The preservation the Brahma Sampradaya and the teaching of Sri Chaitanya
The complete preservation for posterity of the eternal tradition and authority of the Brahma Sampradaya in the fullest richness of its philosophy, aesthetics, arts and otherworldly pristine spiritual devotion to God in accordance with the precepts of Sri Chaitanya.
Relation between the social mission of Chaitanya Academy and the eternal transcendental attainment

The relation between Chaitanya Academy’s social mission, which lies within temporal existence, and the eternal transcendental attainment should be understood as follows.

From the absolute perspective, all existence is already perfect and requires no reformer or correction. However, the souls afflicted by illusion cannot realize this fact without becoming connected with the Supreme Lord in loving service. But how will the service tendency, surrender, obedience and subordination to God’s will of those who have not yet developed direct perception of God find some form of expression in the immediate present?

For this purpose, the spiritual master replaces the mundane trajectory of the activities of the student with vigorous engagement in missionary activities that are beneficial both to the student and to society at large.

In this way, the features of relative existence are fully engaged and incorporated into the purpose of the absolute existence in accordance with the principle visasya visam ausadham, poison can be utilized as medicine.

The social mission is in and of itself not the goal. Rather, it plays an essential supporting role in the attainment of the goal in accordance with the principle of appropriately engaging physical objects in the service of God while remaining detached from them (yukta-vairagya).

Our principles

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