Pure vaisnavas are the very heart of Sri Krsna. Their association and service is always to be sought out by those who desire to attain the perfection of life
aksnoh phalam tvadrsa-darsanam hi
tanoh phalam tvadrsa-gatra-sangah
jihva-phalam tvadrsa-kirtanam hi
su-durlabha bhagavata hi loke
“ My dear Vaisnava, seeing a person like you is the perfection of one’s eyesight, touching your lotus feet is the perfection of the sense of touch, and glorifying your good qualities is the tongue’s real activity, for in the material world it is very difficult to find a pure devotee of the Lord. ”
What to speak of pure vaisnavas being extremely rare, a realized saint continually immersed in the kavya-sahitya (poetic literature) of Srila Rupa Gosvami is rarer still.
Today is the divine appearance day of Sri Acyuta Lal Bhatta Gosvami. As a lifelong dear associate of my spiritual master, Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami, he continually showers his selfless mercy and unparalleled treasure of hari-katha to nourish us in our service to our Sri Rupanuga Gaudiya Guru Parampara.
We pray that our dearest siksha guru, Sri Bhattaji Maharaja, will continue to bless us with his association for many years to come. No one can fail to be deeply moved by his gracious disposition, exemplary behaviour and uncompromising devotion to Sriman Mahaprabhu and Sri Radha Madanan Mohana.
apreksya klamam atmane vidadhati pritya paresam priyam
lajjante duritodyamad iva nija-stotranubandhad api
vidya-vitta-kuladibhis ca yad ami yanti kraman namratam
ramya kapi satam iyan vijayate naisargiki prakriya
"Ignoring their own welfare, the saints are concerned only for the well-being of others. Even though their wealth, learning, aristocracy and followers may increase, they become ever more humble. When they are glorified, they become embarrassed, as if they had sinned. All glories to the delightful virtues of the pure devotees."
We invite all devotees to hear Sri Acyuta Lal Bhatta Gosvami speak daily at Ananda Dhama Gaudiya Ashram, Vrndavan during the Chaitanya Academy Kartika Retreat and Vraja Mandala Parikrama from
October 13th through December 6th.Radhe Shyama!
27th of September, 2024