“So it was quite an education … 24 hours a day, seven days a week of total emersion for many years, living as a monk in India, sleeping on the floor, with a vow of poverty, no money.
“It was wonderful, it opened up many opportunities.
“Here you have a person who has renounced everything, career and education, but I found myself having the most wonderful education and seeing the world – what people want money for. When you focus on your development to God everything comes to you without any effort.”
Prem’s spiritual master died five years ago, aged 90, but Prem has continued his work, “not being a master but a servant of the servant of the servant of Krishna”.
It’s not such an unusual life, he says, of his devotion, his path to self-enlightenment and his world tours without selfies or general sight-seeing.
Prem says his is the “real world”, and “demand is so great that I can’t keep up with the engagements all around the world”. Yes, the world can be seen as a bleak place, what with climate change, the growing gap between the rich and poor, and much conflict.
There has been “break down in the natural order of life, a dive in morality and ethics”. But “we dwell in the absolute reality, and share with others the possibility to rise”.
“Every moment of life is the unfolding of the karma, of the destiny of each person, each experiencing the reaction of their own deeds in their life and previous lives. It is the way it is meant to be … the suffering of life has a therapeutic effect. We become sober, inquisitive, why is this happening to me?
“There has to be some disruption now and then to evolve to fullest potential.”
Inger Vos