Sri Prem Prayojan's Address to World Leaders at the GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS

on the occasion of the International Conference of the NRI Welfare Society of India on January 25th 2020
Ladies and gentlemen, His excellency, distinguished ambassadors, members of parliament, and respected guests, it is an honour to have the opportunity to address you in this illustrious assembly on the eve of Republic Day. Excuse me for my inability to advise you on the subjects of economics and politics, since I have no experience in these fields.

I join you here this evening from Vrndavan, the land of Divine Love, with an essential message. You see, there was once a tremendously successful politician and economist who ruled over a wealthy nation. His name was Ravana. He was known as a raksasa (demon). The word raksasa implies the mentality “vayam raksamah”: “We will protect ourselves.” If we imagine that by own effort and intelligence we will secure prosperity, peace and happiness, while neglecting to serve God and petition His grace, then it may be said that we are in fact following the example of Ravana.

Ravana attempted to enjoy the energy of God, namely Sita Devi, for himself without recognizing that all things, including ourselves, belong to the Supreme Lord and exist for his pleasure. Ravana’s mentality of trying to exploit the energy of God resulted in his ruination and the destruction of his family and kingdom.

For millennia, India has been the home of profound spiritual wisdom. The Vedic culture is India’s most valuable export for the benefit of the whole world. The Vedas clearly proclaim that our lives are fulfilled through the pursuance of the human objectives or purusartha – dharma, artha, kama, and moksa. Only by following dharma, religious principles, can a person attain, artha, economic success. Economic success is the by-product of a virtuous populace.

As leaders in society, it is imperative to be aware that one-sixth of the adharma (demerits) of the citizenry are accrued by their leaders. One cannot accept the privileges of leadership without the responsibilities. The immense weight of the impiety of the populace falls upon their leaders. So leaders have an unavoidable responsibility to educate and encourage the people on the traditional path of dharma.

By artha (economic prosperity), one acquires the facilities to fulfil one’s sensory desires. Finally, after discovering the emptiness of sensual gratification a person strives for moksa, liberation. But the fifth and highest purusartha, the highest objective of human life, is prema, perfect and unconditional love for God.

Prema bestows the greatest happiness and fulfilment. It is so powerful, that even Bhagavan Sri Krsna comes under the control of the saint who is full of Divine Love.

When Mother Yasoda tried to bind her Bala Gopala for being naughty, she discovered that her rope was two fingers too short. What does it signify? One finger represents our effort. To achieve anything significant in life, a tremendous effort is necessary. Endeavour is a necessary condition, but not a sufficient condition for success. The second finger represents the mercy of Sri Krsna. That is the sufficient condition. When the powerful mercy of Sri Krsna is added to our earnest endeavour, then one can attain the perfection of life.

When Lord Ramacandra wanted to cross the ocean to Lanka, Nala, Nila, Hanuman and their army took large stones and, writing “Jaya Sri Rama” upon them, placed them upon the water to make a bridge. What does it mean? Do not think that the great sages of India such as Valmiki, Tulsidasa, and Veda Vyasa are ordinary ignorant persons, writing frivolous fiction and fantasy.

Their profound purpose is to illustrate the most important lesson of life – the power of the Holy Name. This is a great and subtle spiritual science.

Every physical movement and every psychological movement we make is animated by prana. Prana enables our senses to function so that we can perceive the physical world. When we vibrate the praise of Bhagavan Sri Krsna by the chanting the Holy mantra....

... Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare....

...then just as the Supreme Lord performs his avatara pastime of descending to this plane, similarly the Supreme Lord descends in the form of the vibration of aprakrta-prana, the Holy Mantra. This supernatural prana begins to override the limited functions of our material prana, thereby allowing us to perceive the eternal spiritual world and experience Divine Love. This is why all the saints and sages have repeatedly and consistently glorified the Holy Name throughout the Vedic literature. This is the secret to all success in life, individually, socially, nationally and globally.

Persons from all religious traditions may sing the Holy Names of God in accordance with their respective languages and scriptures, but the principle of vociferously articulating the praise of the Supreme Being is universal.

Throughout history, the smartest and most capable men have toiled relentlessly to bring peace and alleviate the problems facing mankind. Yet still, the human race is wracked with endless conflict. Why? The cause behind the cause behind the cause is simply karma. No one whose consciousness has turned away from God can escape from the reactions of their own past deeds. But the power of the Holy Name effectively dissipates all the effects of karma.

Hundreds of thousands of people gather together for sporting events and political rallies. Why not fill the stadiums of your nation with joyful crowds singing the glories of God? As leading members of society, you have the means and the facilities to accomplish it. Try it and see how the Holy Name changes your fate, purifies your consciousness and uplifts your spirit.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have one more request of you this evening. Plans have been made for the construction of the largest temple in the world dedicated to Lord Rama in the city of Ayodhya. Recently, the city of Lord Shiva, Benares, has been renovated and restored to its former glory.

But what of the place of Lord Krsna? Vrndavan remains in a dilapidated state. It is a matter of great shame that such an important cultural, historical, and spiritual place has been neglected and that the Holy River Yamuna has become terribly polluted, endangering thousands of faithful pilgrims. I request you to collaborate with us to renovate and preserve the priceless spiritual heritage of Vrndavan. This will be a valuable service to the Supreme Lord, Bhagavan Sri Krsna, and it will bring great benefit you, your children, your children’s children and all future generations.

Jaya Sri Krsna!

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