On March 13th, the BRICS International Forum hosted “VISION FOR THE FUTURE 2020: International Dialogue - Humanitarian Cooperation for World Peace and Sustainable Development Goals,” at Vigyan Bhawan, the premier Government of India convention centre, in New Delhi. The forum also opened a year-long initiative to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
Indian regional president of BRICS, Mrs. Purnima Anand, and Mr. A. Senapati, the director of Bhaarat Aaj (India Today) Media, gave a warm welcome to the delegates who had flown in from all over the world in spite of numerous complications caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
Special guests from the Government of India included, Ramdas Athawale, Honorable Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment, and Raghuraja Singh, Honorable State Minister of Labor and Employment. Deepak Singh, director of the NRI Welfare Society of India and owner of The Indian Observer media group, represented the Indian diaspora. In addition to delegates from the BRICS nations, other notable guests included Armenian ambassador, Artur Khachatriyan, and Mr. G. Subramaniam of the Malaysian Chamber of Commerce.
Sri Prem Prayojan was welcomed as the guest of honour for the conference and invited to make the opening speech. After invoking auspiciousness by reciting Sanskrit prayers from the Rg Veda, Sri Prem Prayojan explained that society cannot prosper if it has no higher guiding principle than the pursuit of economic development. Sanatana dharma, the eternal wisdom tradition of India proposes that the purpose and perfection of life for every person in every walk of life is to please the Supreme Lord. When the root of a tree is watered, the benefit is distributed to every leaf and flower. Similarly, by serving Bhagavan (God), the root of all existence, all living beings derive the greatest benefit