"Preaching is the symptom of vitality." - Prabhupada Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura.

Last week Chaitanya Academy students hosted educational programs in Madrid Spain, Moscow Russia, Sri Lanka, Riga and Daugavpils in Latvia, Venice, Rome and Viareggio in Italy, Zurich and Biele in Switzerland, Majorca, North Carolina USA, New Zealand, and Goa India . See photo report below. May they all be blessed with the perfection of human life, the eternal service of Sri Radha-Krsna.

After sharing the nectar of Mahaprabhu's gospel of pure love, now most of the students are preparing to embark on three pilgrimages in India, Sri Jagannatha Puri Parikrama (7th-12th Feb), Sri Navadvipa Dhama Parikrama (17th-24th Feb)and the Sri Vrndavan Parikrama and Retreat (1st-15th March).
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has advised:

krsnera saḿsāra koro chādi’ anācār

jīve doyā, krsna-nām—sarva-dharma-sār

"Giving up all sinful activities, carry on your worldly duties only in relation to Śrī Krsna. The showing of compassion to other souls by loudly chanting the holy name of Krsna is the essence of all forms of religion (dharma)."

Purport by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura:

O faithful jiva! You have turned away from Krsna and then suffered the experience of so-called happiness and distress in the realm of mayika-samsara. This situation is not fitting you. As long as you remain bound to the wheel of karma as a result of your faulty aversion to Krsna, please accept one transcendental remedy.

If you are inclined toward the path of pravritti (positive use of material situations), then just become a grihastha, brahmachari, or vanaprastha; or if you are inclined to the path of nivritti (renunciation of material situations), then just be a sannyasi. But in whatever position you find yourself, please give up all anacar (sinful activities), while offering your body, home, wife, children, and wealth unto Sri Krsna.

Living in Krsna's world, perform all your actions by dovetailing your senses and mind with topics of Krsna, and with a heart purified of envious aversion pass the journey of life. The supreme nectar (paramamrita) of favorable service rendered unto Lord Krsna will become gradually thickened until it breaks through your two bodies -- the gross (sthula) and the subtle (linga) -- and will finally cause your eternal spiritual form (aprakrta svarupa ) to awaken.

All the following things come under the heading of unfavorable actions, performed either by oneself or by society: theft, speaking lies, cheating, hostility, lust, inflicting bodily harm, duplicitous politics, and so forth. Abandoning all these, just resort to pious means and spend your life in Krsna's world. The ultimate statement is this -- showing mercy to all living beings, living a pure lifestyle, just chant the holy name of Krsna. There is no difference whatsoever between Krsna-nama and Sri Krsna Himself. By the mercy of the holy name, Sri Krsna in the form of His names, forms, attributes and pastimes (nama, rupa, guna, and lila) will personally reveal Himself to the vision of the eyes of your siddha-svarupa (spiritual body ). Truly in a few days your cit-svarupa will awaken and will remain floating in the ocean of eternally sweet Krsna-prema.

January 27, 2025

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