Pilgrimage through the nine islands of Sri Navadvipa

"What benefit did the world attain when Lord Rama, Lord Nrsimha, and many other incarnations of Godhead killed so many raksasa and daitya demons? How important is it that Lord Kapila and other incarnations revealed the paths of sankhya and yoga? How glorious is it that Lord Brahma and other guna-avataras create, maintain and destroy the material universes? How auspicious is it that Lord Varaha lifted the earth from the Garbhodaka Ocean? We do not consider any of these activities to be very important. The most important thing is that Lord Caitanya has revealed the great splendour of pure love of Krsna. Let us glorify that Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu."

(Sri Caitanya Candramrta v.7)

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