When the ever-fresh, perpetually increasing love of Śrī Rādhā and Krsna makes them appear to each other with new, unprecedented beauty, as if never seen before, such love is called anurāga.
When the anurāga in the heart of Śrī Rādhikā is impossible to conceal, even by her contrary mood, it manifests outwardly as the fragrant red vermillion upon her chest. And when the powerful waves of this ever-fresh anurāga become irrepressible, they vehemently burst forth as billowing clouds of colour and streams of vermillion water, saturating everyone and everything in the Springtide forest of Vṛndāvana.
At that time, struggling to find metaphors to adequately describe the ineffable beauty of our Yugala-kiśora, the sakhis address each other in excitement, exclaiming, "HORI re!"
Such is the wonderful bhava of Holi.
viharati saha rādhikayā rangī
madhu madhure vrndāvana rodhasi harir iha harsa tarangī
“Hari is playing with Rādhikā in the sweet silvan atmosphere of Vrndāvana, carried upon on waves of euphoria.” (Refrain)
vikirati yantreritam aghavairini rādhā kunkuma pankam
dayitām ayam api sincati mrgamada rasa rāśībhir aviśankam
“Immaculate Rādhā sprays Krsna with vermilion-water from Her syringe, and Krsna, without inhibition, showers His beloved with a flood of musk-water.”
ksipati mitho yuva mithunam idam navam arunataram pata vāsam jitam iti jitam iti muhur api jalpati kalpayad atanu vilāsam
“This youthful couple then bombard each other with fresh dawn-red, fragrant powders. Repeatedly claiming: “I have won! I have won!”, they enjoy Cupid's dalliance.
subalo ranayati ghana karatālī jitavān iti vanamālī
lalitā vadati sanātana vallabham ajayat paśya mamālī
“Clapping his hands, Subala proclaims, “Vanamāli (Krsna) has won!” In response, Lalitā counters, “No, look! My sakhī Radha has defeated Her eternal lover!”
(Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī - Stavamālā)
This year, become immersed in the spirit of Holi with a two-week retreat in Vrndavana in rare and precious sadhu-sanga. Daily study of Śrīla Rūpa Gosvami's greatest drama, Śrī Lalita Madhava, under the guidance of Śrī Achyuta Lal Bhatta Gosvamī. Daily Hari-katha and parikramas under the guidance of Śrī Prem Prayojan Prabhu. Behold heart-melting devotional dramas, or even volunteer to play a role yourself. The retreat includes the festival of Holi, Gaura Purnima and Jagannatha Misra Mahotsava.
Note: After the official retreat, Hari-katha and kirtans will continue until 21st March.
To reserve your accommodation, transport, etc., make sure you register by filling in the online registration form. Please fill out a SEPARATE FORM FOR EVERY PARTICIPANT, even if arriving as a group/family.
For questions contact: svarnalata108@yahoo.com
WhatsApp +1 310 707 1747